Collection of motion data for the Health Data project has started in Syddjurs Municipality

Do kids move enough during a school day? And how does movement affect health and learning among schoolkids? These are some of the questions a new measurement of the movement of schoolkids by Syddjurs Municipality is trying answer

Last week Syddjurs Municipality started collecting motion data for the Nordic Healthy Cities project, Health Data. Until the summer vacations, the municipality will collect motion data via wrist sensors from all fourth graders in the municipality. The data from the so-called FitBits, that measure the schoolkids’ movements during the school day, will be collected anonymously and will help clarify the relation between movement, well-being, and learning.

The collected data will be reviewed by the participants of the project and by the University of Aarhus with the aim of developing recommendations for new health efforts in the primary and lower secondary school. All the collected data is anonymous and there are no personally identifiable data in the project.

The collection of the motion data is part of the Nordic Healthy Cities project, Health Data, a collaborative project between the Nordic cities Tampere, Vejle and Thorshavn. The Health Data project aims at gathering holistic health data with the purpose of improving citizens’ health, supporting healthcare organisations and making citizens more aware of their own data. Read more about the Health Data project here