Nordic Liveable Neighbourhoods

This Nordic Liveable Neighbourhoods is a collaboration project gathering five nordic cities to explore a common topic. The project focuses on creating more “edible”, green and inclusive neighbourhoods. The project explores the elements of liveable healthy neighbourhoods from the perspectives green infra and foodscapes to support the wellbeing, activity and inclusivity of residents.

During the project the cities will explore the topic together through an open call for agile pilots. Agile piloting is a model adopted in the Nordic cities to experiment and co-develop early prototypes in real life urban labs. In the open call we are seeking three pilots: digital tools to support green infrastructure in urban planning as well as innovative block level solutions related to urban farming and innovative food solutions. The pilots will be run during spring and fall 2021.

Join us to pilot in the Nordic neighbourhhod labs! More info on the open call in February 2021

Read more about agile piloting: