
In 2014, Stavanger was one of the very first cities that earned the status as a European Lighthouse City in EU's quest for smarter cities and societies in the Horizon 2020 program. The project is called Triangulum and Stavanger is a lighthouse city together with Eindhoven (NL) and Manchester (UK). Triangulum is triple helix cooperation between public actors, industry and commerce, and academia. This innovation and demonstration project will integrate energy, mobility, and ICT in new solutions that will help face societal challenges, as well as contribute to increased sustainability, through a more eco-friendly urban development, reduction of CO2, greener energy and increased energy efficiency improvement. Triangulum is a five-year project (2015-2020).

The local consortium in Stavanger consists of five partners; Stavanger Municipality, The University of Stavanger, Rogaland County Council, Lyse AS and Greater Stavanger. The project has lead to a new central energy plant that runs on wastewater, three battery buses as a part of the ordinary bus fleet, 100 private homes are fitted with integrated solutions and smart generic gateways, and a cloud hub that gathers and analyzes data from all the partners in Triangulum. The projects are communicated locally, nationally and internationally.

For a visualization of the Triangulum project take a look at the following video.